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New Zealand’s first of its kind travel planning App

Planit is the world’s first Itinerary management platform which allows you to explore, curate and book your travel itinerary instantly. Working with trusted accommodation providers, our dedicated team is on hand to deliver you a stress-free travel experience.

Our values

Why we do what we do

Our shared values keep us connected and guide us as one team.

Supporting our businesses

New Zealand is a world class travel destination. We believe in supporting it’s businesses to grow and thrive

Deliver great customer experience

We’re passionate about creating positive customer experiences. We want to enable our guests to relax and enjoy their adventure.

Enable better innovation

By providing our guests with better technology to improve their experience, they will have a platform to maximise their adventure.

Generating more value

We want to help increasing business for our operators so they can be more  competitive within their industry.

Reliability & Trust

We take pride in our ability to deliver on our promises and ensure that our customers can trust us to deliver the travel experiences they desire.

Curated and fun

We handpick the best operators to give our guests the best possible experience and service

Customer testimonials

Get ready to make memories!

Let the adventure begin...