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Let Planit do the work for you.

Your guests deserve a world-class travel experience.
Focus on what you do best and we’ll do the rest.
Join the thousands of hosts already recommending Planit to their guests...
We help you to

Transform your hosting experience

Planit is a centralised booking platform, designed to make hosting easier for you and help you create an unforgettable stay for your guests.

Happy guests

Busy guests = Happy Guests. We can book activities months in advance.  No more issues with your guests being left with nothing to do.

More 5 star reviews

Our customers love to thank their hosts on their profiles for recommending Planit & making their trip one to remember

Easier communication

You can promote your top experiences to your guest, helping to promote a truely unique experience.

Expert advice

We are the travel experts. We take 1000s of questions on where to go, how to book and make the magic happen.
You connect, we provide

How Planit works with Hosts

We make it super simple for your guests to plan & book their travel itinerary. No more guests asking you what to do, no more complaints of their favourite experiences being fully booked.  Just great times.
What we offer

From transport & experiences to exclusive discounts for your guests

Book Transport

From car hire to mountain transfers. Scheduling the location, dates and drop off time they need.

Book trips

Whether they want a pre-built itinerary or a customised adventure, book it all in one place easily.

Book places to eat

Whether it is breakfast or dinner, guests can view restaurant and cafes. Booking tables straight from the app.

Exclusive offers

Guest access our platform through your host code.  They access exclusive offers unavailable anywhere online.

Customer testimonials

Get ready to make memories!

Let the adventure begin...