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Maximise your reach

There is no plateau with Planit. We are an award-winning travel advisory platform connecting tourism & hospitality operators to more customers.
Join the thousands of hosts already recommending Planit to their guests...
We help you

Connect with eager adventurers

We make it super easy for travellers to plan their Queenstown experience. We provide an easy way to plan, book and pay for their customised travel experience in one platform

Connect to AirBnb

Find the hard to reach guests, staying in the booming short term holiday home market as well as motel & hotel guests.

Increases bookings

A frictionless booking system combined with incentivised referral programme makes it super easy to grow business.

Promote your business

Run in-app special promotions,  and recommendations by plugging into a database of travel operators.

Easy booking & payment

Streamline your operations by cutting down your admin. Talk to guest easily with in-app messaging, bookings & payments.

Customer testimonials

Get ready to make memories!

Let the adventure begin...